Solana Blockchain Performance Dashboard

With this dashboard, we aim to compare the TPS of Solana in February (non votes) and ‘Successful TPS’ for each day, and to create a chart that illustrates how the TPS fluctuated during that time frame. In 2020, the Solana protocol and its token, SOL, were launched. An innovative aspect of its protocol is a proof-of-history consensus, which increases scalability and is therefore more usable. Solana has an excellent developer community, as well as a very high level of liquidity. Besides being able to support high numbers of transactions per second, Solana’s key advantage is its cost efficiency. Solana’s average cost per transaction is $0.000025. Solana has an extremely low fee compared to other blockchains, which is one of the main advantages for users. As we already know the only difference between Solana and Ethereum is Solana’s high speed for transactions. It is a blockchain network for building cryptocurrencies just like Ethereum and Bitcoin. 50,000 transactions can be processed per second on this new blockchain network, which makes it unique. Our focus in this dashboard is to measure Solana’s TPS in February (non-votes) and the successful TPS per day of those non-votes. Additionally, we can see the maximum, average, and median of TPS per day. During the same time period, we can also observe both the successful and unsuccessful transactions per second.

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