It has already been announced that the NFT project y00ts (on Solana) has been launched. Our goal in this article is to discuss y00ts NFT project and also compare its sales on other NFT marketplaces by looking at different metrics over a period of time .
An Introduction To y00ts And What Makes It Unique?
One of the top successful NFT projects on Solana (link) is y00ts, a generative art project with 15,000 NFTs. The same developers of DeGods and Dust Labs have created an NFT collection on the Solana blockchain. The original idea behind Duppies was before Y00ts appeared. Duppies are expected to be minted around the end of July or early August in 2022, according to the team. The y00ts NFT collection consists of sheep avatars with layers of metadata that describe their uniqueness. Mini(dino) is a one-of-a-kind y00ts, currently the highest listed price on Magic Eden. There are 375 DUST tokens needed to mint one y00ts. The y00ts NFTs were broken down as 90% common, 9% rare, and 1% unique (1/1); and double staked for DeadGods plus y00ts owners.
A key objective of y00ts’ whitepaper is to offer a “common-sense approach to copyright and ownership for NFTs.” By contrast, the NFT collection is acting as the “governing body” instead of a central entity controlling the project and its intellectual property rights (IP). It operates, therefore, more like a “registry,” keeping track of individuals and groups who are approved to use NFT’s IP, rather than holding a CC0 license or holder-specific rights. It will be y00ts that will assist with testing this new licensing initiative. As part of its objective, y00ts aims to implement its own version of copyrights & ownership for NFTs, which is based on “common sense.”
y00ts : How do you stake them?
- The staked y00t will earn 1 y00tPoint every minute.
- To stake, each y00t NFT costs one $DUST, and to unstake, each y00t costs three $DUST. As long as the NFT is staked, it will remain in the wallet of the owner.
- The NFT will accumulated one y00tpoint for every minute staked, and the y00tpoints will remain attached to it (even when traded). There can be no combination of points or separate trading of points. There will be indexable metadata available on major marketplaces soon, according to the team.
- In addition to airdrops and physicals, sponsored brand activations will also be available. Staking platform users are indicated how many points they have until their next reward, and the team encourages them to accumulate as many points as possible.
.@y00tsNFT is one of the largest NFT mints in the last few months, boosting slumping NFT saleshttps://t.co/vdGrmo55mc
— Blockworks (@Blockworks_) September 7, 2022
Our goal in this article is to discuss y00ts NFT project which is launched recently on Solana and also compare its sales on other NFT marketplaces by looking at different metrics over a period of time . The following are the details:
- Mints per hour – y00ts
- The number of y00t NFT mints per hour and their cumulative value
- A heat map of the number of y00t NFT mints per hour
- Sales Metrics for y00t NFTs with Different Marketpaces
- Sales Transactions, Sale Volumes (USD), and Sale Volumes (SOL) and their percentages for NFT
- Sellers and buyers of NFT
- Different marketplaces’ NFTs Floor Prices In SOL and USD
- The top 10 y00t NFTs by marketplace
- The top 10 NFT sellers by sales volume
- The top 10 NFT sellers based on sales
- Top10 NFT Sellers By Most Number Of NFTs Sold By Marketplace
- The top 10 NFT buyers by number of purchases
- The top 10 NFT buyers by purchase volume
- Top10 NFT Buyers By Most Number Of NFTs Purchased By Marketplace
- A list of the top ten y00t NFTs – Magic Eden
- The 10 most expensive Y00Ts NFTs in USD
- In SOL, here are the 10 most expensive y00ts NFTs
- Mints’ top 10 most expensive y00ts NFTs In USD
- Mints’ top 10 most expensive y00ts NFTs In SOL
Number Of Mints Per Hour – y00ts
Using this section, we can see how many mints y00t NFT happened over a period of time per hourly. The maximum number of mints was observed in November 2022 and the minimum number was observed in December 2022. November 4, 2022 was the day when the maximum mints were observed of 8.27K, and November 26, 2022 was the day when the minimum mints were observed of 7. Mints decreased almost 100 percent from 8.27K on November 4, 2022 to 11 on December 8, 2022.
Taking a look at the below graph, we can see that the cumulative mints so far are 12.21K. The maximum cumulative was recorded in November 2022 at 12.04K, while the minimum cumulative was recorded in December 2022 at 176.
As shown in the following heat map, the number of mints on a weekday can be seen on an hourly basis. We can see that on Friday, after the 11th hour, the number of mints suddenly increases. This is almost an increase from 6 mints to 315 mints, a sudden increase. From this 11th hour on Friday, we can see an exponential growth in y00t NFT mints.
y00t NFTs Sales Metrics On Different Marketpaces
Having analyzed the above section of mint, we can see here the number of sales transactions and volume of sales for y00ts NFTs over time. Below is a graph showing y00ts NFT sales by different marketplaces over a period of time. Total sales transactions between November 4, 2022 and December 8, 2022 was $12.47K. 95.36% of total sales transactions were made on magic eden v2 marketplaces. A coral cube has the lowest total Sales Transactions at $5 and a magic eden v2 has the highest total Sales Transactions at $11.89K. A maximum of $1.2K was observed in sales transactions on November 4, 2022. As compared to November 4, 2022, December 8, 2022 saw a 95% reduction in the number of sales transactions from $1.2K to $60. In the beginning, there were many Y00Ts NFT sales transactions, but over time they are decreasing.
As can be seen from the graph below, magic eden v2 marketplaces accounted for 95.36 percent of total sales transactions. As a result, more than 95 %NFT sales were made on Magic Eden v2 marketplace in the last month. The second place of sales transactions was taken by Hadeswap.
Over 92% of sales transactions are made on Magic Eden v2 every day, when we look at daily sales transactions.
Sales volume (usd) between November 4, 2022 and December 8, 2022 was $24.98M. There is a $9.45K low total Sale Volume (US dollars) for coral cube and a $24.02M high total Sale Volume (US dollars) for magic eden v2. It was observed that the maximum sale volume (usd) was $3.62M on November 4, 2022. There was a 95% decrease in total sales volume from $3.62M in November 4, 2022 to $181.23K in December 8, 2022. In December 1, 2022 and November 5, 2022, the total sale volume (usd) is lower than average, and in November 14, 2022, the total sale volume is higher than average. The sale volume on Magic Eden from y00t NFTs initially appears to be huge. However, later on there is a nearly 95% reduction in volume.
From the below graph we can see Ninety-six percent of total sale volume (usd) came from magic eden v2 marketplaces.
Over 95% of sales volume(USD) was made from Magic Eden v2 every day, when we look at daily sales Volume(USD).
Coral cube has the lowest total Sale Volume (sol) of 443.31, and Magic Eden v2 has the highest total Sale Volume (sol) of 1.34M. It was observed that the maximum sale volume (sol) was 108.69K on November 4, 2022. From 108.69K in November 4, 2022 to $14.36K in December 8, 2022, the total Sale Volume (sol) decreased by 87%. Hadeswap and Magic Eden V2 are trending downward in Sale Volume(sol).In this instance, we can see that the sales volume (SOL) increased dramatically on November 30th, 2222. Maybe the cryptocurrency market volatility and the change in SOL’s price caused it.
A total of 96.17% of the total Sale Volume (Sol) was generated by marketplaces in magic eden v2.
Almost 95% of sales volume (SOL) made from Magic Eden v2 was made from different marketplaces according to the daily percentage of y00t NFT sale volume.
The total number of sellers between November 4, 2022 and December 8, 2022 was 8.16K. A maximum of 703 sellers were observed on November 4, 2022. A decrease of 92% in total sellers occurred from 703 in November 4, 2022 to 53 in December 8, 2022. There are fewer sellers than usual on December 1, 2022. There is a steady percentage of sellers on Coral Cube and Opensea
Market Places in magic Eden v2 accounted for 96.44% of the total number of sellers. (coral cube) has the lowest total Sellers of 4 and the highest total Sellers of 7.91K (magic eden v2).
Between November 4, 2022 and December 8, 2022, 8.62K buyers made purchases. Among the Marketplaces, magic eden v2 contributed 95.32% of total Buyers. The lowest total Buyers is 5 (coral cube) and the highest total Buyers is 8.21K (magic eden v2). A maximum of 690 buyers were observed on November 4, 2022. A 92% drop in total buyers was recorded in December 8, 2022, from 690 buyers in November 4, 2022.
Based on the daily percentage of Y00t NFT buyers, nearly 96% of buyers purchase their NFT through Magic Eden v2.
As shown in the graphs below, we can find out what the floor price of NFTs by different marketplaces is. Based on this information, we can determine that the minimum NFT floor price on magic eden is $135.10, and the maximum floor price is $2.59K. There is a minimum y00t NFT floor price of $0.01 on hyperspace, and a maximum floor price of $2.7K. Opensea has the highest NFT floor price out of all marketplaces at $4.57K.
As shown in the graphs below, we can find out what the floor price of NFTs in SOL by different marketplaces is. Based on this information, we can determine that the minimum NFT floor price on magic eden is 12.8SOL, and the maximum floor price is 165 SOL. There is a minimum y00t NFT floor price of 0.00 SOL on hyperspace, and a maximum floor price of 150 SOL. Opensea has the highest NFT floor price out of all marketplaces at 333 SOL.
Top 10 y00t NFTs By Marketplace
There was a 96.24% share of total sales volume contributed by magic Eden and Hadeswap. Among the top 2 sellers, they accounted for a quarter of the total sales volume. It is made from the magic eden. According to the first top 6 sellers, they contribute more than 50% of the volume. Which all the NFTs were made from Magic Eden. Accordingly, Magic Eden contributes the most sales volume among the top 10 Y00t NFT sellers. As of today, the highest total Sales Volume (sol) is $15.1K (CpKqXYPgyfHkzsYoo4Q9AvW6qURAMdwxvuUWLfpTNroE).
The total sales of the top 10 y00t NFT sellers on all marketplaces amount to $1.23K. 96.35% of total sales came from the Top 2 Marketplaces(.magic eden and hadeswap). In the top three sellers, 32.36% of total sales were generated, and in the top six sellers, 58.07% were generated. In total, the lowest sale is $5 (coral cube) and the highest is $846 (magic eden v2). Total Sales topped 149 which is made by the Hadeswap seller “9fa8zaa3LPpzd4GNoWi66rAkXigxy6ddrsxXLzBt2WTM”.
According to the top 10 y00t NFT sellers by most number of NFTs sold on different marketplaces, Magic Eden and Hadeswap market place sell the most NFTs by far. Total Number of NFTs sold topped 146 which is made by the Hadeswap seller “9fa8zaa3LPpzd4GNoWi66rAkXigxy6ddrsxXLzBt2WTM”.
The total purchases of the top 10 y00t NFT buyers on all marketplaces amount to $1.12K. 80.05% of total purchases came from the magic eden . Total purchases topped 235 which is made by the Magic Eden buyer “4ZCiGakZJy5aJsLpMBNBNwyrmNCCSCzukzhaPzzd4d7v”.
There was a 83% share of total purchase volume contributed by Magic Eden. Total Purchase Volume is 126.47K. Among the top 2 buyers, they accounted for a 31.83 % of the total purchase volume. It is made from the magic eden. According to the first top 6 buyers, they contribute more than 55% of the volume. Which all the NFTs were made from Magic Eden. Accordingly, Magic Eden contributes the most purchase volume among the top 10 Y00t NFT buyers. As of today, the highest total purchase Volume (sol) is 27.57K (4ZCiGakZJy5aJsLpMBNBNwyrmNCCSCzukzhaPzzd4d7v) which is made by magic eden buyer.
According to the top 10 y00t NFT buyers by most number of NFTs purchased on different marketplaces, Magic Eden market place buy the most NFTs by far. Total Number of NFTs purchased topped 231 which is made by the magic eden seller “4ZCiGakZJy5aJsLpMBNBNwyrmNCCSCzukzhaPzzd4d7v”.
Top 10 y00t NFTs – Magic Eden
Here in this section, we cna see the top 10 most expensive y00t NFTs price in USD on Magic Eden marketplace. The Top 2 Solana Yoots Top10 Nft Most Expensive Sales contributed 29.12% of the total Price (usd) and the Top 4 Solana Yoots Top10 Nft Most Expensive Sales contributed 53.91%. Total Price(USD) contributed by the top 2 sellers was 29.12%, while the top 4 sellers contributed 53.91%. Among the Mints, 6B9YCj7S3gSDaWBv2F2D3rn35sRTQ6PAeM4RrABdFafa contributed 29.12%, and the Top 3 Mints contributed 53.91%. There are two total Prices (usd): the lowest is $11.26K (2ynXdf84wyfGLaNeAnF5dbt9q34tw1ury4pTSSH5RkUJ) and the highest is $38.13K (DCcsfqgwqfv7mLS8srLBixAqQ472RMpxwMLNpudyePBz).
There were two Solana Yoots Top10 Nft Most Expensive Sales that contributed 29.75% of the total Price (SOL) and four Top10 Nft Most Expensive Sales that contributed 55.53%. The top two sellers contributed 29.75% of the total price (SOL), while the top four sellers contributed 55.53%. In total, the top 2 MINTs contributed for 32.13% and the top 4 contributed for 60.34%. Among the total prices (sol), the lowest costs (Eyv8Q8gme1LnpCjBPKDaSWdsdYSciEp2gCiiZSchAVSK) are $800 and the highest costs are $2.33K (6B9YCj7S3gSDaWBv2F2D3rn35sRTQ6PAeM4RrABdFafa).
- According to the above analysis, the number of mints per hour decreased almost 100 percent from 8.27K on November 4, 2022 to 11 on December 8, 2022.
- The heat map shows that y00t NFT mints have increased exponentially from this 11th hour on Friday.
- Y00ts’ sales transactions on different marketplaces were dominated by magic eden v2 marketplaces, accounting for 95.36% of total sales. December 8, 2022 saw a 95% drop in sales transactions from $1.2K to $60 compared to November 4, 2022.
- According to the above analysis, the sale volume (USD) on Magic Eden from y00t NFTs initially appears to be enormous. Nevertheless, there is a nearly 95% reduction in volume later on.
- The sales volume (Sol) generated by marketplaces in magic eden v2 reached 96.17%.
- A total of 96.44% of the sellers were from market places in magic Eden v2. There are only four sellers on coral cube, while there are 7.91K sellers on magic eden v2.
- In the period November 4, 2022 – December 8, 2022, 8.62K buyers made purchases. The magic eden v2 Marketplace contributed 95.32% to the total number of buyers.
- Nearly 96% of Y00t NFT buyers purchase their NFT through Magic Eden v2, according to the daily percentage of buyers.
- According to this information, the minimum NFT floor price on magic eden is $135.10, and the maximum floor price is $2.59K. As of now, Hyperspace has a minimum y00t NFT floor price of $0.01, and a maximum floor price of $2.7K. Out of all marketplaces, Opensea has the highest NFT floor price of $4.57K.
- The floor price for NFT in magic eden is 12.8SOL at its minimum and 165SOL at its maximum based on this information. Hyperspace has a minimum y00t NFT floor price of 0.00 SOL, and a maximum floor price of 150 SOL. Out of all marketplaces, Opensea has the highest NFT floor price at 333 SOL.
- It can be seen from the above analysis that, as of today, the highest total Sales Volume (sol) is $15.1K, made by the Magic Eden seller “CpKqXYPgyfHkzsYoo4Q9AvW6qURAMdwxvuUWLfpTNroE”.
- In terms of the number of Y00t NFTs sold on different marketplaces, Magic Eden and Hadeswap sell the most NFTs.
- Therefore, Magic Eden ranks highest among the top 10 buyers of Y00t NFTs. The highest total purchase volume (sol) for today is 27.57K (4ZCiGakZJy5aJsLpMBNBNwyrmNCCSCzukzhaPzzd4d7v), made by magic eden buyer.
- According to the number of NFTs purchases made by top 10 y00t NFT buyers across different marketplaces, the number one seller made 235. This is the Magic Eden buyer 4ZCiGakZJy5aJsLpMBNBNwyrmNCCSCzukzhaPzzd4d7v.
- Magic Eden market place buys the most NFTs by far based on the number of NFTs purchased on different marketplaces. This seller has sold 231 NFTs. The total number of NFTs sold is 4ZCiGakZJy5aJsLpMBNBNwyrmNCCSCzukzhaPzzd4d7v.
- According to the above analysis, the highest y00ts NFTs price in USD is $38.13K (DCcsfqgwqfv7mLS8srLBixAqQ472RMpxwMLNpudyePBz).
- Hence, based on the above analysis, it can be concluded that most of the sales transactions, sellers , buyers and sales volume of y00t NFTs are being transacted on Magic Eden Marketplaces.
Reference Query
-- forked from https://app.flipsidecrypto.com/velocity/queries/fce863cb-87fd-420b-bb8f-896b3705f2a6
with mint_txns as (
distinct tx_id
solana.core.fact_transactions ft,
LATERAL flatten(input => ft.account_keys) p
and block_timestamp >= '2022-11-04'
and p.value :pubkey = 'yootn8Kf22CQczC732psp7qEqxwPGSDQCFZHkzoXp25'
mint_details as (
tx_id in (
date_trunc(hour, block_timestamp) as date,
count(distinct mint) as mints
FROM mint_details
-- forked from https://app.flipsidecrypto.com/velocity/queries/fce863cb-87fd-420b-bb8f-896b3705f2a6
with mint_txns as (
distinct tx_id
solana.core.fact_transactions ft,
LATERAL flatten(input => ft.account_keys) p
and block_timestamp >= '2022-11-04'
and p.value :pubkey = 'yootn8Kf22CQczC732psp7qEqxwPGSDQCFZHkzoXp25'
mint_details as (
tx_id in (
sales as (
date_trunc(day, block_timestamp) as date,
nvl(sales_amount, 0) price_sol,
nvl(sales_amount, 0) * b.close as price_usd,
from solana.core.fact_nft_sales a
left join solana.core.fact_token_prices_hourly b on trunc(a.block_timestamp, 'HOUR') = b.recorded_hour
and b.symbol = 'SOL'
and b.provider = 'coinmarketcap'
where succeeded
and mint in (
distinct mint
sum(price_sol) as sale_volume_sol,
sum(price_usd) as sale_volume_usd,
count(tx_id) as sales,
count(distinct purchaser) as purchasers,
count(distinct seller) as sellers,
min(price_sol) as floor_sol,
min(price_usd) as floor_usd
FROM sales
GROUP BY DATE, marketplace
with mint_txns as (
distinct tx_id
solana.core.fact_transactions ft,
LATERAL flatten(input => ft.account_keys) p
and block_timestamp >= '2022-11-04'
and p.value :pubkey = 'yootn8Kf22CQczC732psp7qEqxwPGSDQCFZHkzoXp25'
mint_details as (
tx_id in (
sales as (
date_trunc(day, block_timestamp) as date,
nvl(sales_amount, 0) price_sol,
nvl(sales_amount, 0) * b.close as price_usd,
from solana.core.fact_nft_sales a
left join solana.core.fact_token_prices_hourly b on trunc(a.block_timestamp, 'HOUR') = b.recorded_hour
and b.symbol = 'SOL'
and b.provider = 'coinmarketcap'
where succeeded
and mint in (
distinct mint
count(tx_id) as sales,
sum(price_sol) as sales_vol_sol,
count(distinct mint) nfts_sold
FROM sales
GROUP BY seller, marketplace
QUALIFY row_number() over(partition by marketplace order by sales_vol_sol desc) <= 10
with mint_txns as (
distinct tx_id
solana.core.fact_transactions ft,
LATERAL flatten(input => ft.account_keys) p
and block_timestamp >= '2022-11-04'
and p.value :pubkey = 'yootn8Kf22CQczC732psp7qEqxwPGSDQCFZHkzoXp25'
mint_details as (
tx_id in (
sales as (
date_trunc(day, block_timestamp) as date,
nvl(sales_amount, 0) price_sol,
nvl(sales_amount, 0) * b.close as price_usd,
from solana.core.fact_nft_sales a
left join solana.core.fact_token_prices_hourly b on trunc(a.block_timestamp, 'HOUR') = b.recorded_hour
and b.symbol = 'SOL'
and b.provider = 'coinmarketcap'
where succeeded
and mint in (
distinct mint
count(tx_id) as purchases,
sum(price_sol) as purchase_vol_sol,
count(distinct mint) nfts_purchased
FROM sales
GROUP BY purchaser, marketplace
QUALIFY row_number() over(partition by marketplace order by purchase_vol_sol desc) <= 10