The purpose of this article is to show the revenue and fees generated by Sushiswap for miners/stakers(Tx. Revenue), liquidity providers, and Sushi’s swaps on Ethereum blockchain and to compare it to other blockchains.
Sushiswap is one of the most prominent DEXs (or AMMs) on the Ethereum protocol. SushiSwap is an automated market maker that uses UniSwap’s code. Users can swap cryptocurrencies, borrow, and receive rewards on a platform that runs on Ethereum. With SushiSwap, users can buy and sell different cryptocurrencies between themselves, like on a traditional exchange.On SushiSwap, tokens are supported by smart contracts rather than a single central entity, and users lock crypto on the software which traders can then access.It should be noted that traders who trade locked assets pay a fee, which is then shared proportionately among all liquidity providers.
As we already known about Ethereum enables users to build apps, organize assets, transact, and communicate without being controlled by a central authority. In order to use Ethereum, you do not need to give up all your personal information – you control what is shared and what information is available to others. Ethereum is the community-run technology powering the cryptocurrency ether (ETH) and thousands of decentralized applications. Ether is Ethereum’s own cryptocurrency that can be used to pay for certain network activities.
Note :
- I would like to revise in few words how the revenue generated for LP’s in Sushiswap. The SushiSwap liquidity pools allow anyone to provide liquidity, and in return, they receive SLP tokens (SushiSwap Liquidity Provider tokens). For example, if a user deposited $SUSHI and $ETH, they would receive SLP tokens for the SUSHI-ETH pool.A user can reclaim their tokens from the LP pool at any time, which represents their share of the pooled assets. Every time another user uses the pool to trade between $SUSHI and $ETH, a 0.3% fee is taken, with 0.25% going to the pool.
- The SushiBar allows users to stake their SUSHI tokens to earn xSUSHI tokens rather than direct liquidity fees, and they will receive 0.25% per trade kickback based on the volume contributed to the pool. Users can also directly provide liquidity to pools in exchange for a 0.25% kickback per trade. SushiSwap uses 0.05% of the fees that are charged for each trade, and xSUSHI token holders receive the remaining 0.05% of those fees when using SushiSwap.
This dashboard shows how Sushiswap performs in terms of generating revenues and fees on Ethereum blockchain, and also compares Ethereum revenues and fees to other blockchains in various categories.
- Transaction Revenue
- Generated by Sushiswap on Ethereum
- Ethereum Vs Other Blockchains
- Monthly Perecentage View Of Ethereum vs Other Blockchains
- Liquidity Provider’s Swap Revenue
- Generated by Sushiswap on Ethereum
- Ethereum Vs Other Blockchains
- Monthly Perecentage View Of Ethereum vs Other Blockchains
- Sushi’s Swap Revenue
- Generated by Sushiswap on Ethereum
- Ethereum Vs Other Blockchains
- Monthly Perecentage View Of Ethereum vs Other Blockchains
Transaction Revenue
Here in this section, we can see how much transaction revenue was generated by Sushiswap on Ethereum blockchain on monthly basis. Based on the below graph, we can see that the total TX Revenue was $518.05M between October 2020 and October 2022. November 2021 was the month when Tx Revenue reached $79.24M. Based on the graph, we can see that the TX Revenue is decreasing on Ethereum. Crypto market volatility and also the trend of the market running as a bear market are the reasons for this. When compared to their previous months, June 2021 and February 2022’s total Tx revenue is lower than normal.
The following graph shows how much transaction revenue was generated by Sushiswap on Ethereum blockchain, compared to other blockchains. In this case, we can see that total Tx Revenue between October 2020 and October 2022 was $519.5M. Of that total, 99.72% was generated by Ethereum Blockchain. We can see that the lowest total Tx Revenue is $18.58K (Optimism) and the highest is $518.05M (Ethereum). A maximum of $79.33M in Tx Revenue was observed in November 2021; Ethereum was the primary contributor in this instance. In October 2022, the total value of blockchain transactions decreased by 61%. There is a suspicion that the crypto market is headed for a bear market. we can see that total Tx Revenue between October 2020 and October 2022 was $519.5M. Of that total, 99.72% was generated by Ethereum Blockchain.Although the crypto market is in bear market conditions, Sushiswaps transaction revenue on Ethereum is relatively high compared to the other blockchains.
Here from the graph we can see the initial Sushiswaps transaction revenue on ethereum is 100% upto August 2021. From Sep 2021 only we can see the Sushiswaps Trnsaction revenue was generated by other blockchains. And also if we look at the all percentages of Sushiswap’s transaction revenue on all blockchains are very less when we compare with the Ethereum blocckchain. we can see that total Tx Revenue between October 2020 and October 2022 was $519.5M. Of that total, 99.72% was generated by Ethereum Blockchain.
Sushiswap’s Transaction Revenue On Ethereum Blockchain cannot even be compared with other blockchains as can be seen from the graph below.
Liquidity Provider’s Swap Revenue
Here in this section, we can see how much the Liquidity Provider’s Swap revenue was generated by Sushiswap on Ethereum blockchain on monthly basis. Based on the below graph, we can see that the total LP’s Swap Revenue was $434.68M between October 2020 and October 2022. May 2021 was the month when LP’s Swap Revenue reached $65.87M. Based on the graph, we can see that the Liquidity Provider’s Swap Revenue is decreasing on Ethereum. Crypto market volatility and also the trend of the market running as a bear market are the reasons for this.
The following graph shows how much Liquidity Provider’s Swap revenue was generated by Sushiswap on Ethereum blockchain, compared to other blockchains. In this case, we can see that total LP’s Swap Revenue between October 2020 and October 2022 was $469.45M. Of that total, 92.59% was generated by Ethereum Blockchain. We can see that the lowest total LP’s Swap Revenue is $4.39K (Optimism) and the highest is $434.68M (Ethereum). A maximum of $65.89M in LP’s Swap Revenue was observed in May 2021; Ethereum was the primary contributor in this instance. Gradually we can see the LP’s Swap Revenue is decreased by all the Blockchains. There is a suspicion that the crypto market is headed for a bear market. Although the crypto market is in bear market conditions, Sushiswap’s Liquidity Providers Swap revenue on Ethereum is relatively high compared to the other blockchains.
According to the graph, Sushiswaps LP’s swap revenue on ethereum is 100% up to May 2021. In June 2021, we can see that Sushiswaps Lp’s swap revenue came from other blockchains. Additionally, when we compare Sushiswap’s LP’s swap revenue on all blockchains, the percentages are much lower than those on the Ethereum blockchain. Based on the information we have, LP’s total swap revenue has been $469.45M between October 2020 and October 2022. A total of 92.59% of that amount was generated by Ethereum Blockchain.
Graph below shows that Sushiswap’s Liquidity Providers Swap Revenue On Ethereum Blockchain cannot even be compared with other blockchains.
Sushi’s Swap Revenue
Here in this section, we can see how much the Sushi’s Swap revenue was generated by Sushiswap on Ethereum blockchain on monthly basis. Based on the below graph, we can see that the total Sushi’s Swap Revenue was $86.94M between October 2020 and October 2022. May 2021 was the month when Sushi’s Swap Revenue reached $13.17M. Based on the graph, we can see that the Sushi’s Swap Revenue is decreasing on Ethereum. Crypto market volatility and also the trend of the market running as a bear market are the reasons for this.
From the below graph, we can see that total Sushi’s Swap Revenue between October 2020 and October 2022 was $93.89M. Of that total, 92.59% was generated by Ethereum Blockchain. We can see that the lowest total Sushi’s Swap Revenue is $877.65 (Optimism) and the highest is $ 86.94M(Ethereum). A maximum of $13.18M in Sushi’s Swap Revenue was observed in May 2021. Gradually we can see the Sushi’s Swap Revenue is decreased by all the Blockchains. There is a suspicion that the crypto market is headed for a bear market. Although the crypto market is in bear market conditions, Sushiswap’s Sushi’s Swap revenue on Ethereum is relatively high compared to the other blockchains.
According to the above graph, Sushiswaps Sushi’s swap revenue on ethereum is 100% up to May 2021. In June 2021, we can see that Sushiswaps Sushi’s swap revenue came from other blockchains. Additionally, when we compare Sushi’s swap revenue on all blockchains, the percentages are much lower than those on the Ethereum blockchain. Based on the information we have, Sushi’s total swap revenue has been $93.89M between October 2020 and October 2022. A total of 92.59% of that amount was generated by Ethereum Blockchain.
The graph below shows how Sushi’s Swap Revenue On Ethereum Blockchain cannot even be compared to other blockchains.
- According to the above analysis, Sushiswap’s initial revenue generation from transactions (Transaction Revenue, Liquidity Provider’s Swap Revenue and Sushi’s Swap Revenue) on Ethereum blockchain is almost 100%. Eventually, however, the revenue began to decline. Perhaps we can speculate that the crypto market is almost facing a bear situation and that the fact that the crypto market is very volatile is the reason for all those revenue drops.
- According to the analysis above, total Tx Revenue between October 2020 and October 2022 was $519.5M. Ethereum Blockchain generated 99.72% of that revenue. The Sushiswaps transaction revenue on Ethereum is relatively high compared to other blockchains, even though the crypto market is in bear market conditions.
- When compared to other Blockchains, Sushiswap on Ethereum generates more than 92% of the total LP’s swap revenue and Sushi’s swap revenue.
- In spite of the current downtrend in the crypto market, Sushiswap generates revenue on the Ethereum network that is unmatched by other networks. Thus, we can say “On Ethereum, Sushiswap’s Revenue And Fees Are Up In The Air !”.
Reference Query
with swaps as (
origin_from_address as wallet,
when amount_in_usd is not null and amount_out_usd is not null then least(amount_in_usd, amount_out_usd) -- to handle scenarios like 0x817d872cab4d985c1f902a7c6da0dd6d66adcba751e2fb2fc95b11ca70062a0b on BSC (amount in trillions!!)
else NVL(amount_in_usd, amount_out_usd)
end as amount_usd
from flipside_prod_db.crosschain.ez_swaps
where platform ='sushiswap'
and amount_usd > 0
and block_timestamp >= CURRENT_DATE - {{days}}
txns_fees as (
FROM avalanche.core.fact_transactions
where block_timestamp >= CURRENT_DATE - {{days}}
FROM bsc.core.fact_transactions
where block_timestamp >= CURRENT_DATE - {{days}}
FROM ethereum.core.fact_transactions
where block_timestamp >= CURRENT_DATE - {{days}}
FROM gnosis.core.fact_transactions
where block_timestamp >= CURRENT_DATE - {{days}}
FROM optimism.core.fact_transactions
where block_timestamp >= CURRENT_DATE - {{days}}
FROM polygon.core.fact_transactions
where block_timestamp >= CURRENT_DATE - {{days}}
FROM arbitrum.core.fact_transactions
where block_timestamp >= CURRENT_DATE - {{days}}
swap_txn_fees as (
FROM swaps
INNER JOIN txns_fees USING(tx_hash)
token_price as (
date_trunc(week, hour) as date,
case token_address
when lower('0xD5cd84D6f044AbE314Ee7E414d37cae8773ef9D3') then 'ONE'
when Lower ('0x418D75f65a02b3D53B2418FB8E1fe493759c7605') then 'BNB'
when LOWER('0xe91d153e0b41518a2ce8dd3d7944fa863463a97d') then 'xDAI'
when lower('0x7D1AfA7B718fb893dB30A3aBc0Cfc608AaCfeBB0') then 'MATIC'
when lower('0xC02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2') then 'ETH'
end as currency,
avg(price) as price_usd
FROM ethereum.core.fact_hourly_token_prices
LOWER('0xe91d153e0b41518a2ce8dd3d7944fa863463a97d') -- xDAI
,Lower ('0x418D75f65a02b3D53B2418FB8E1fe493759c7605') -- BNB
,lower('0x7D1AfA7B718fb893dB30A3aBc0Cfc608AaCfeBB0') -- MATIC
, lower('0xD5cd84D6f044AbE314Ee7E414d37cae8773ef9D3') -- ONE
,lower('0xC02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2') -- ETH
OR symbol = 'WETH' )
and hour >= CURRENT_DATE - {{days}}
GROUP BY currency, date
date_trunc(week, recorded_hour) as date,
case when id = 'wrapped-avax' then 'AVAX'
when id = 'harmony' then 'ONE'
end as currency,
avg(close) as price_usd
FROM crosschain.core.fact_hourly_prices
where id ilike any ('wrapped-avax', 'harmony')
and recorded_hour >= CURRENT_DATE - {{days}}
GROUP BY date, currency
daily_swaps as (
date_trunc(week, block_timestamp) as date,
sum(tx_fee) as tx_fees
FROM swap_txn_fees
GROUP BY date, blockchain
tx_revenue as (
when blockchain = 'Gnosis' then daily_swaps.tx_fees
when blockchain IN ('Ethereum', 'Arbitrum', 'Optimism' ) then daily_swaps.tx_fees * eth_tp.price_usd
when blockchain IN ('BSC' ) then daily_swaps.tx_fees * bnb_tp.price_usd
when blockchain IN ('Polygon' ) then daily_swaps.tx_fees * mat_tp.price_usd
when blockchain IN ('Avalanche' ) then daily_swaps.tx_fees * avax_tp.price_usd
when blockchain IN ('Harmony' ) then daily_swaps.tx_fees * one_tp.price_usd
end as tx_fees_usd
FROM daily_swaps
LEFT JOIN token_price eth_tp ON eth_tp.currency ='ETH' and eth_tp.date = daily_swaps.date and daily_swaps.blockchain IN ('Ethereum', 'Arbitrum', 'Optimism' )
LEFT JOIN token_price bnb_tp ON bnb_tp.currency ='BNB' and bnb_tp.date = daily_swaps.date and daily_swaps.blockchain IN ('BSC' )
LEFT JOIN token_price mat_tp ON mat_tp.currency ='MATIC' and mat_tp.date = daily_swaps.date and daily_swaps.blockchain IN ('Polygon' )
LEFT JOIN token_price avax_tp ON avax_tp.currency ='AVAX' and avax_tp.date = daily_swaps.date and daily_swaps.blockchain IN ('Avalanche' )
LEFT JOIN token_price one_tp ON one_tp.currency ='ONE' and one_tp.date = daily_swaps.date and daily_swaps.blockchain IN ('Harmony')
SELECT * FROM tx_revenue WHERE tx_fees_usd is not null