How Access Amazon Cloud Player On iPhone/iPad?

amazon_cloud_driveAmazon recently launched Cloud Drive, a free 5 GB online cloud service that lets you  save documents, music, videos, photos and other files. Music files stored in Cloud Drive can be access from any where using Amazon Cloud Player.

According to Amazon, Cloud  Player is accessible through any computer browser with flash support and Android devices. There is no official word about accessing the service from the notoriously anti-flash iOS devices.

But Apple fans figured out that it’s possible to access Cloud Player from iPhone, iPad or any iOS devices using built in Safari web browser. To access the player, navigate to Cloud Player on your iOS device and ignore the warning message that says your device/browser is not compatible. Proceed to your music collection and start playing them.


The Cloud Player plays nice with iOS devices and it’s functionality. It pauses the player when you receive a call or push notification. Once you are done with the call you can use the “Play” icon available in multitasking tray to resume songs.

Thanks iFans

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