Thorchain Affiliate Fees

Throughout this article we intend to discuss about what kinds of addresses are used to collect affiliate fees? What are the incomes over time?

Affiliate Fees

THORChain’s affiliate fees are a non-custodial, decentralised, transparent solution to this problem.As soon as THORChain sees a transaction, it will strip off the fee and pay it directly to the affiliate. A wallet developer just adds their affiliate address and fee rate, as well as the transaction’s terms, to the transaction before the user signs it.

Depending on the type of affiliate fee, it can be swapped for RUNE or added as LP in the pool. Swaps can be converted into RUNE and sent. Add Liquidity can be added as a LP alongside the affiliate. This fee ranges from 0 to 1000 (10%) basis points. The affiliate’s address MUST be a THORChain address.

Number of Transactions and Fees Earned by Affiliate

As we can see from the below graph, there are 325 different 16 Affiliated Fees in total.On October 15, 2021, a maximum affiliate fee of 34 was observed, and on July 6, 2021, a minimum affiliate fee of 1.The number of affiliate fees on October 15, 2021, and October 3, 2021 is higher than normal.

We can see in the above chart a number of transactions by affiliate chainwise. Chains consist of 13 different types.Six Affiliates are involved. The BNB.BNB and BNB.BUSD-BD1 are contributing 38.15% of the total 16 Affiliate Fees.(BNB.ETH) has the lowest amount of 16 Affiliate Fees at 2 and the highest amount is 64 (BNB.BNB).

In the above graph, we can see the daily affiliate fees that have been collected in USD from the past three months. Total Affiliate Fee(USD) between July 6, 2021 to November 9, 2021 was 2,661.24. In October 22, 2021, a maximum Total Affiliate Fee(USD) of 975.13 was observed, and the minimum Total Affiliate Fee(USD) of 0 was observed in October 14, 2021. October 14, 2021, has a lower affiliate fee than usual. However, October 22, 2021, and October 13, 2021, have higher affiliate fees.

The amount of fee that each affiliate can earn at a given time can be seen.Total Affiliate Fee(usd) earned by all 6 affiliates is 2,661.24.Top 2 Affiliates accounted for 89.65% of total Affiliate Fee (USD). The lowest Total Affiliate Fee(USD) is 0 (thor1uj0v03uhaxm7judgea2lj8tcwx2x8rz4g7pytm) and the highest Total Affiliate Fee(USD) is 1,955.28 (thor1r765pfnwehv0rdy3jwyskldugw09fz7exncn2x).

Popular Affiliate by fees earned & Transactions

As we can see from below graphs, Popular Affiliate is highlighted by its fees and its transactions.Total Affiliate Fee (USD) from the top 2 affiliates was 89.65%. There is an affiliate with this address (thor1r765pfnwehv0rdy3jwyskldugw09fz7exncn2x) earning a maximum of 1955 USD in a given period.Among all affiliates, it is popular.

In this case, we see 6 Affiliates were collected their fees in all 325 transactions. thor1r765pfnwehv0rdy3jwyskldugw09fz7exncn2x Affiliates contributed maximum of 48.62% of transactions among all other  affiliates  .We consider it as a most popular one among others.

All 325 transactions were collected from 6 Affiliates. Thor1r765pfnwehv0rdy3jwyskldugw09fz7exncn2x Affiliates contributed to 48.62% of transactions, making it our most popular affiliate.


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