In this article, we want to dive deep into the ecosystem in that process we will examine NFT sales activity on the Flow network.
Dapper Labs has launched one of the most popular NFT gaming collections ever named CryptoKitties, which choked the Ethereum blockchain. There is no need to describe what happens when Ethereum’s blockchain chokes, gas prices rise to unreachable heights, and access to the blockchain becomes uneconomical for regular users.
Flow Blockchain was launched by Dapper Labs in response to Ethereum’s high gas fees and low transaction capabilities. Flow is a fast, decentralized, and developer-friendly blockchain designed for high transaction throughput for gaming networks, digital assets, and mobile apps that require millions of transactions.
Flow’s blockchain architecture follows a totally different route than Ethereum, with a multi-role architecture built on top of a unique architecture that handles scalability without sharding.

What is NFTs?
As the name implies, NFTs refer to non-fungible tokens, which are unique items that cannot be exchanged for another item. There is no such thing as a piece of Art that is identical to another as both will have different characteristics. An NFT is a token that represents ownership of a unique item on a blockchain. These NFT tokens will generally contain unique information about them, such as a unique token name, symbol, etc., and will be owned by their creators or artists. A sell & buy transaction will be performed on the blockchain to sell these NFT tokens.
As a result of The Flippening, both @solana and @flow_blockchain users have traded more NFTs in total than those on @ethereum by more than double. The tweet below illustrates this.
The NFT Flippening already happened. But nobody’s talked about it.
— 🔄 Flipside 🍄 (@flipsidecrypto) September 22, 2022
Both @solana and @flow_blockchain are already beating Ethereum in NFT sales.
Here’s what it means🧵👇
We can proceed with the deep dive into the FLOW Blockchain by examining NFT sales activity on the Flow network:
- View the growth of NFT collections on the Flow blockchain.
- A timeline of the launch of NFT Collections on the Flow Blockchain
- How many NFT collections were launched per month
- What is the leading NFT collection by sales volume these days? The NFL is in full swing
- Sales Volume and Avg.Price Distribution by Collection in Recent Weeks
- Distribution of recent NFT buyers and sellers by collection
- We can now see the weekly volume of NFT sales. And it’s week-over-week change.
- Distribution of NFT sellers versus buyers
- The next step is to examine the average sale price movement of the top NFT collections
- Cumulative Sales Volume Of Top NFT Collections
- Cumulative Sales Volume Of Top NFT Collections – Excluding NFL All Day and Top Shots
- Distribution of unique NFT buyers across collections
- Week Over Week Sales Volume Growth Of Top NFT Collections – Excluding NFL
- Week Over Week Sales Volume Growth Of Top NFT Collections -NBA Top Shots & NFL All Day
FLOW Blockchain NFT Sales Activity By Collections
Flow blockchain’s NFT collections have grown rapidly since April 2022, as shown in the below graph. The maximum collection of 51 was observed in June 2022, and the minimum collection of 3 was observed in May 2022. A trend of increasing collections can be seen.
Below is a timeline of NFT Collections launched on Flow blockchain since April 2022. The timelines of these individuals can be identified by their ranks. By looking at their timeline of NFT collections which are launched on Flow, we can see that most of them were launched during the week of Jun12-18 2022.
According to the below graph, 51 NFT collections were launched on June 2022 and again on Sept 2022 there was a next maximum number of NFT collections launched. Initially there is no much NFT collections launched. As a result, we can say that collections are on the rise
The total number of transactions by Collections is 213.06K. 91.66% of total transactions came from the Top 2 Collections (AllDay and TopSpot). The lowest total Transactions are 56 (Flunks) and the highest are 156.87K (AllDay). There are 33.33K sellers in all Collections. Of the total sellers, 85.86% came from the Top 2 Collections (AllDay and TopSpot).
Looking at the recent distribution of sales volume by collection, the total sales volume is $6.5M. Over three quarters (78.7%) of total sales volume comes from AllDay collections. Fluks has the lowest total Sales Volume of $4.2K and AllDay has the highest total Sales Volume of $5.1M
Here from the below graph we can see the distribution recent weeks avg. sale price by collection. Avg Sale Price for DimensionX Collections contributed 31.2% and Top 2 Collections contributed over half (52.35%). UFC_NFT has the lowest average sale price of $13.13 and DimensionX has the highest average sale price of $171.04,
A total of 88.75% of total buyers came from the Top 2(AllDay and TopSpot) collections. In terms of total Buyers, the lowest is 27 (Flunks) and the highest is 16.9K (AllDay).
A total of 85.86% of total sellers came from the Top 2(AllDay and TopSpot) collections. In terms of total sellers, the lowest is 32 (Flunks) and the highest is 22.18K (AllDay).
According to the weekly NFT Sales Volume since April 2022, the total is $84.82M. Maximum Sales Volume of $6.55M was observed in August 14-20, 2022, and minimum Sales Volume of $2.02M was observed in July 03-09, 2022. There is not much sales volume at first, but later we can see that it is increasing.
On this graph, we can see an increase in the week-over-week change in sales volume over the past couple of weeks.
It is evident from this chart that the number of buyers has been increasing over the past few weeks. The maximum number of buyers was 28.32K in W33, 2022, and the minimum number of buyers was 11.98K in W26, 2022. Almost 55% of sellers can be seen here weekly for NFT sales. But recent weeks there is a decreasing trend of sellers can be noticed here.
According to this graph, we can see the average sale price at a movement for all top collections. The lowest average sale price is $19 (TopShot), and the highest is $173 (Gaia). W31, 2022, saw the highest average sale price of $82 and W18, 2022, had the lowest average sale price of $13. The average sale price of all NFTs CricketMoments ,AllDay, TopShot and UFC_NFT are in between $10 – $50 range. But the average price of Flunks and Gaia collections are went a maximum of 166$ and 249$ respectively.
This graph shows the cumulative sales volume of top NFT collections on Flow blockchain, excluding NFT AllDay and Top Shots for a clearer picture. Among all collections, the PackNFT Sale volume provides the highest sales volume. In terms of sales volume, UFC NFT is in second place, followed by CricketMoments in third place.
Here is a graph showing how unique NFT buyers across all NFT collections on Flow have been distributed since April 2022. Top 2 collection names (Allday and TopShot) contributed for 78.82% of total Buyers . The lowest total Buyers is 2 (ItemNFT) and the highest is 246K (TopShot). Later, we see they came down and AllDay NFT Collection was placed second among all NFT collections in terms of buyers.
Based on the below graphs, we can see the week-over-week growth of top NFT Collections on Flow Blockchain since Jun 2022. Here is a screenshot of the TFCItems Collection, we can see that their sales volume increased almost 500% when compared to their previous week during the 2nd week of July 2022. When we compare July 10-16 2022 with the previous week, CricketMoments sales volume also increased 240%.
From the below graph, we can see the week-over-week sales volume growth of NBA TopShots and NFL AllDay since July 2022. When we compare AllDay collections’ sales volume to their previous weeks, we can see that it has increased by more than 200% in many times .
- If we look at the number of NFT Collections launched on Flow by month, initially there aren’t many NFT collections. 51 NFT collections were launched on June 2022 and again on Sept 2022 there was a next maximum number of NFT collections launched. As a result, we can say that collections are on increasing trend.
- Taking a look at the total number of transactions across all Collections, we can see 91.66% of total transactions came from the two top collections (AllDay and TopSpot).
- Over three quarters of total sales volume is accounted for by AllDay collections, based on a recent distribution of sales volume by collection. Based on the distribution of recent weeks’ average sale prices by collection, DimensionX Collections contributed almost 30% to all collections’ average sale prices.
- As far as buyers and sellers are concerned, AllDay is the best collection. In other words, more than 80% of all sellers and buyers come from AllDay Collection alone.
- Sales volume initially does not seem to be high, but over time we can see that it is increasing.
- As can be seen from the above analysis, the number of buyers has been increasing for the past few weeks. The NFT sales of almost 55% of sellers are seen here each week. However, there has been a decrease in the number of sellers in recent weeks.
- Across all NFTs CricketMoments, AllDay, TopShot, and UFC_NFT, the average sale price is between $10 – $50. However, Flunks and Gaia collections have average prices of 166 and 249 dollars, respectively. Therefore, we can say that these NFT collections are quite expensive.
- Among all collections, the PackNFT Sale volume provides the highest sales volume. In terms of sales volume, UFC NFT is in second place, followed by CricketMoments in third place.
- When we compare AllDay collections’ sales volume to their previous weeks, we can see that it has increased by more than 200% in many times . Thus, we can see that the sales volume continues to grow on Flow blockchain with AllDay Collections.
- Hence, NFL All Day NFT sales may increase during NFL before starting season weekends. Due to the NFL regular season games starting on September 8th, 2022, the sales volume of Allday NFT Collections might increase.
Reference Query
WITH txns as (
split(nft_collection, '.')[2] as collection_name,
from flow.core.fact_nft_sales sale
WHERE price is not null
AND block_timestamp > CURRENT_DATE - {{days}}
--join flow.core.dim_topshot_metadata meta using(nft_id)
metrics as (
date_trunc(week, block_timestamp) as date,
count(distinct tx_id) as txns,
count(distinct buyer) as buyers,
count(distinct seller) as sellers,
sum(price) as sales_volume,
avg(price) as avg_sale_price
FROM txns
FROM metrics