Sushi’s Recently Supported Tokens


In this article, we aim to show the 10 most recent assets (coins) supported by sushi.

SushiSwap is an automated market maker that uses UniSwap’s code. Users can swap cryptocurrencies, borrow, and receive rewards on a platform that runs on Ethereum.

With SushiSwap, users can buy and sell different cryptocurrencies between themselves, like on a traditional exchange.On SushiSwap, tokens are supported by smart contracts rather than a single central entity, and users lock crypto on the software which traders can then access.It should be noted that traders who trade locked assets pay a fee, which is then shared proportionately among all liquidity providers.

The following graph shows the 10 tokens which Sushi supports in the recent past. When I was writing this post, we could notice that sushi supports these recent 10 different tokens: FWY, T99, DNA, FRANK, GEAR, GUSHIE, HSF, RIO, BLOCK, and stETH.

As we can see from the below graph, Sushi is supporting the ten latest tokens and offering their swaps. It appears more swaps are being done by stETH recently and FWY tokens come in second place. In this graph, we can see a maximum number of swaps that occurred most recently on Apr 12th, 2022 and that were caused by stETH. 

From the below graph we can see the ten latest tokens supported by Sushi and how many users they have on these tokens . It appears more users are being swapped on stETH recently and DNA tokens come in second place. In this graph, we can see a maximum number of users that are used tokens and are occurred most recently on Apr 12th, 2022 and that were caused by stETH. 

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