KnowWhere and RandomEarth are two prominent NFT Marketplaces on Terra Blockchain. Though they have their own humble beginings, these two marketplaces turbo charged NFT adoption on Terra blockchain. With thousands of active listing and hundreds of NFTs sales every hour, Knowwhere and RandomEarth are thriving. Lets us explore these two ecosystems.
A NFT marketplace, KnowWhere was originally created by its founders as a platform for selling their own collection of NFTs. Terra’s first NFT collection is Spaceloot. It began as a side project, but grew quickly. Due to the demand and interest from Terra users, the founders of Spaceloot wanted to create a marketplace for trading NFTs. Terra did not have a mature market or a functioning platform, in contrast with Ethereum. They decided to build their marketplace and it became KnowWhere as we know it today.
RandomEarth, the new entrant of NFT Marketplace on Terra Blockchain, took over NFT the ecosystem in a matter of months. Launched in early October 2021, RandomEarth has become Terra’s premier marketplace for NFTs. Random Earth is the hottest marketplace for Terra Blockchain, thanks to its alliance with GalacticPunk. Though, GalacticPunks (GPs) are not associated with CryptoPunks of Ethereum, GPs are considered the CryptoPunks of Terra blockchain. GPs are backed by the founder of Terra blockchain as well as many prominent leaders of Terra ecosystem.
Sales Volume on Terra Blockchain
With RandomEarth and Knowwhere being the most popular marketplace for NFTs on Terra Blockchain, we can assume sales on these platforms provide a fair picture of NFT sales happening in Terra Blockchain. THe following chart shows the transaction volume (LUNA) of NFT sold in Terra blockchain. RandomEarth is leading the market with a wide gap in terms of sales volume when compared to Knowwhere
Lets us see which NFT project is contributing to the sales volume. Eight of the top 10 NFT collections by sales volume are from RandomEarth Marketplace. The leaderboard is lead by legendary Galactic Punks, Derby Stars on RandomEarth and followed by Astroverse on Knowwhere. The next 5 collections are again RandomEarth and leaving the last position to Knowwhere’s Levana Dragaons.
Now lets us look at the top NFT collections on RanddomEarth marketplace by sales volume. While GalacticPunks and Derby Stars are consistently leading, we have collections like Hero, Luna Bulls and Levana Dragons making in to top 10 list once a while.
On Knowwhere marketplace, it seems to be a single NFT collection dominating most of the sales – Astrover x Vinboy. It’s been consistently generating good transaction volume where we see the OG of Terra NFTs, Spaceloot, making a flash appearance.