Google Announcing New Gmail Interface For Apple iPAD Users

Gmail_Logo A great news to all the iPAD customers. In addition to their new Apple’s product, iPAD consumers also get an additional bonus of new Gmail Interface along with the iPAD. The iPAD’s large multi touch screen allows us to now check Gmail in just fraction of second

The new Gmail interface for iPAD has two pane with the E-Mail header on the left side and the actual conversation on the right side. Though this new pane slightly reminds us about the Microsoft’s Outlook version, the look and feel of Google’s makes us feel that its new to the market. In addition to this Gmail feature, all the other Google web app features are also incorporated in the new iPAD.


This new Gmail Interface looks cool and I am sure that Google would be soon delivering its next new astonishing Interface for us. Awaiting Google’s next market hit

CC Image Credit :Joseph Scott

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