Windows Phone–A beautiful phone which I admire but I don’t recommend to friends and family


Microsoft’s Windows Phones are the most beautiful phones I’ve seen. Look at the photo which Microsoft shared on their Facebook page today. It’s gorgeous. Windows Phones come in vibrant colors and the user interface is very lively. When you keep an iPhone, Android Phone & a Windows Phone on a table, Windows Phone definitely stands out. Android and iOS interfaces are routine – a bunch of apps icons arranged in rows and multiple screens. Windows Phone is very different, the live tiles concept mesmerizes us.

I love Windows Phone, but neither I buy one nor I recommend to family/friends! Why? Because it does not have all the Apps I need.

Microsoft advertises that Windows Phone has 100K apps on its Windows Market Place. It’s true, there are 100K+ apps available for Windows Phone but not many of them are really useful and most of the popular Apps I use on Android are not available.

When I say this to my friends at Microsoft, they don’t agree and one of them asked me list the apps that are not available. For him today I spent an hour quickly scanning through the apps installed on my Google Nexus and searched for same apps on Windows Market Place. As expected many of them are not available.

Here is the list of my favorite Android apps that are not available for Windows Phone

Mint – I use this app more than any of the Banking Apps I’ve installed on my mobile. It’s one app to keep a tab on all the expenses and income, the best money management and tracking app.

Google Chrome – Web without Google Chrome is too boring, either on Desktop or on mobile. IE is too heavy and Firefox is loosing its grip. Chrome is the new darling of web.

Pulse, Flipboard – Flipboard and Pulse are one of the best apps for reading news and following content of favorite blogs.

Dropbox – Sync content across devices and provides access to your content on any device.It really does not matter what is your gadget – mobile, tablet or computer; Dropbox lets you access your content.

GMail, Google Maps – Should I say how important are these two apps in our day to day life!!

Vonage Extension – For around 30 bucks a month, Vonage provide landline service in USA + unlimited calls to India and many other countries + Vonage Extension App that lets Android/iOS mobile to make unlimited international calls for free. Without Vonage Extension app, I’m almost cutoff from my family and friends back home in India.

Instagram – The most popular camera app used from a common man to celebrities.

Raaga, Dhingana  – Music is part and parcel of life and these two apps are the most like popular apps to listen to Indian music.

Quora – Quora is the place where most of the sensible discussions happen on web.

Google Analytics, Google Adsense – I’m a blogger and these two apps mean a lot to me

The list goes on and on! There are many useful apps that are not available on Windows Phone – TuneIn, MyTWC, Chrome To Phone, Google Voice, etc. Without all these apps, Windows Phone is just another old Nokia phone.

Even though Windows Phone is the most beautiful phone, it needs Apps to attract customers. Without apps a smartphone is more or less a dumb feature phone which we loved to use before release of iPhone. Wish in an year or two the beautiful Windows Phone may have all the missing Apps. When it happens I’ll buy a phone for myself and recommend it to my family & friends. But till then I prefer to stay away.

2 thoughts on “Windows Phone–A beautiful phone which I admire but I don’t recommend to friends and family”

  1. The same stupid childish argument about apps. I don’t need 500k fart apps. I had enough to choose from 100k+ already and coming. Right now I’m enjoying a beautiful Nokia 920 with stunning camera and a glove-friendly phone in winter time. I can easy get into my apps fast without spending time looking for it in a static sea of icons where I can personally customize my start screen that creatively suits me.

    1. Did you read the post before commenting? No one is talking about about count of apps. Its all about the missing favorite apps.

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