Open Source

OpenStack–An open source Cloud Computing Stack to rival Amazon AWS & Azure platforms

Amazon AWS and Microsoft Azure are the prominent players in Cloud Computing arena and virtually the competition to these providers is negligible as it’s a monstrous task to build Cloud Computing environments. In order to compete with Amazon AWS and Microsoft Azure, a group of prominent companies formed a consortium to build open source Cloud …

OpenStack–An open source Cloud Computing Stack to rival Amazon AWS & Azure platforms Read More »

Google To Release New Operating System For PC – Google Chrome OS

Google in a surprise announcement said it would release an Operating System for PCs sometime next year. The operating system is named as Google Chrome OS and it is based on Chrome browser. Just like any other service of Google, Google Chrome OS will be available freely for everyone and it is initially targeted to …

Google To Release New Operating System For PC – Google Chrome OS Read More »

Fixing the Error “Host ‘’ is not allowed to connect to this MySQL Server”

When I tried to access a MySQL database deployed on DreamHost servers from my laptop using mysql command line client and “MySQL Query Browser” I was greeted with the following message MySQL Error Number 1130 Host ‘’ is not allowed to connect to this MySQL Server. if you want to check the network connection, please …

Fixing the Error “Host ‘’ is not allowed to connect to this MySQL Server” Read More »