Find Model Number and Serial Number Of Your Computer Using DOS Commands


Desktops and Laptops purchased from manufactures like DELL, IBM, etc comes with a serial number(or service tag) and a model name. If you ever loose this information, then you can use MS DOS commands to retrieve the information

To retrieve serial number of the computer run the following command

wmic bios get serialnumber

To retrieve model name of the computer run the following command

wmic csproduct get name

78 thoughts on “Find Model Number and Serial Number Of Your Computer Using DOS Commands”

  1. how can I get computer unique number (like mother board id or other unique serial number) from dos prompt ?? because I want protect my software (use dataflex under dos) so cannot copy by other user without authority. Many Thanks.

  2. Microsoft(R) Windows DOS
    (C)Copyright Microsoft Corp 1990-2001.
    C:\DOCUME~1\USER>wmic bios get serialnumber
    ERROR: Code = 0x80070422
    Description = The service cannot be started, either because it is disabled or be
    cause it has no enabled devices associated with it.
    Facility = Win32
    C:\DOCUME~1\USER>wmic csproduct get name
    ERROR:Code = 0x80070422
    Description = The service cannot be started, either because it is disabled or be
    cause it has no enabled devices associated with it.
    Facility = Win32

  3. the whole thing is very easy…………
    dr r whole lot of commands r available for “WMIC”.

    Windows Management Instrumentation Command.

  4. My computer is not working sound system. I need motherboard driver, so i must be download . But i don’t know computer modal number serial number.. How can i try? Pls…..

  5. Thank you so much! It worked on my local pc! Is there a way to do this remotely without disturbing the EUC? That would really help. :D

  6. Some years ago I used to use a package ctbios which I found on Not sure if the site is still up but can’t hurt to look.

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