Free Google+ Style WordPress Theme

google-plus-logoThe buzz about Google+ is all over the geek world for the past 1 week or so. The early adopters and tech bigwigs are giving thumbs up to the new social networking service. The service is still in private beta and only users with invitation can access it(request for invite).

One of the best features of Google+ is it’s user interface : clean, elegant, simple & fun to use. If you are a self hosted WordPress blogger and love to have Google+ interface for your blog, here is a free Google+ style theme: PlusOne.



(click on the image to view enlarged)

PlusOne is very minimalistic and lightweight theme with three column layout.  The colours used in the theme are very similar to regular Google colour scheme and it looks pleasant. When you click on the recent post links available on the left column, they load instantly without refreshing the page. That goes same with the category links available on the right column.

The current version of the theme is 1.0 and author is promising to fix the bugs and enhance with new features if he receives good feedback. Few bugs I was able to notice while checking the demo are: Header tags font size is not properly set and no style difference between a visited and non-visited link. These two problems are easy to fix if you have basic CSS knowledge.

You can check the demo of the theme over here and download the theme from here.

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