Mashable website has a cool floating widget on left side to allow it’s users easily share content on Facebook, Twitter and Digg. Now Tech Dreams also has a similar widget to make sharing lots easier. In fact any WordPress blog can have similar type of widget by simply installing Digg Digg plug-in.
The Digg Digg plug-in allows us to add buttons to share content on most of the popular social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter, Digg, Google Buzz, Yahoo Buzz, etc. The configuration options provided by the control are very handy. You can control what buttons are required on your site, the order of them, positioning ( left/right floating, before content or after content) and many more.
It’s been quite long since we wrote about a WordPress plug-in on Tech Dreams but we could not resist writing about this as we it as very useful for bloggers to drive traffic. What are your thoughts on Digg Digg Plug-in?