Levana Protocol
With Levana, Terra Blockchain can leverage tokenized assets.Mars and Astroport partner with Levana to offer a variety of leveraged assets. In the first launch of Levana, Luna holders will be able to swap LUNA for LUNA2x. As part of the Levana Protocol, Terra will have access to a decentralized exchange (DEX) with leveraged trading capabilities.Leverage Trading is now possible on the Terra Blockchain, which offers users a wide range of Leverage Assets and Leverage Tokens, as well as Perpetual and Option Trading. The concept of lending and borrowing is as old as commerce. Leverage, which is similar to borrowing, increases a person’s purchasing power if he or she uses it appropriately and risk-adjusted.A leveraged economy would be beneficial because one’s spending is another’s income.
Levana’s benefits
- Borrowing and lending tasks do not have to be repeated repeatedly to create leverage.
- Tokens that leverage price movements of underlying tokens provide a greater profit margin. For example, a 10% increase in Luna’s price will make you 20% in Luna2x Tokens.
- Using centralized leverage tokens has low fees and risks.
- Whenever Levana detects a liquidity risk in the MARS protocol because of lending or borrowing, the auto rebalancing feature will reduce the risk. This will help you keep your leverage position even if the market starts to move against you.
- You can add new tokens by using the DAO and voting.
In order for Levana to generate leverage, it needs the Levana Leverage Index (LLI) token: LUNA2x. This process occurs in two phases: NFT Meteor Showers and NFT Public Farming.
Levana Meteors Shower
A Levana Meteor is a NFT that users can obtain when contributing UST. The UST will then be used to purchase LUNA for the LUNA2x pool.
There are four categories of Levana Meteors: Common, Rare, Ancient, and Legendary. The more you contribute to the game, the higher your chances of obtaining a higher category meteor.There is a possibility that every participant will receive a Levana Meteor containing a dragon egg. Levana Meteors’ minimum contribution is 8 UST.
Every hour, there will be 202 dragon eggs dropped by meteors. There are 8,888 Levana dragon eggs in total. The meteor shower will last 44 hours, so everyone will be able to see it.A diligent participant can accumulate up to 44 Levana Meteors by using a single wallet address, which holds up to 44 dragon eggs.
Distribution of the Levana Meteor:

Number of Participants in Lenava Meteor Shower
There were 49.97K Participants in Lenava Meteor Shower from November 7, 2021 to November 10, 2021. The maximum number of participants was 23.83K on November 9, 2021, and the minimum number of participants was 1.66K on November 7, 2021.Wallets shows an increasing trend.On November 8, 2021, we can see a higher number of participants than usual.
UST Deposits in Lenava Meteor Shower
Between November 7, 2021 and November 10, 2021, 3.98M UST were deposited.In November 9, 2021, the maximum Total Deposited UST of 1.8M was observed and the minimum Total Deposited UST of 194.65K was observed in November 7, 2021.In November 7, 2021, the total deposited UST was lower than normal, while in November 8, 2021, it was higher than normal.
The maximum amount of deposited UST at the time of the graph was 2.32K on November 8, 2021. The highest Avg Deposited UST was recorded on November 8, 2021, and the lowest on November 10, 2021. Maximum wallets of 23.83K were observed in November 9, 2021, while minimum wallets of 1.66K were observed in November 7, 2021. In November 10, 2021, total wallets are lower than normal, but in November 8, 2021, they are higher than normal.
On the below graph, we can see hourly how many people are participating as well as which lunatic score group is participating the most in that hour. Maximum Wallets of 23,830 was observed in November 9, 2021 and minimum Wallets of 1,656 was observed in November 7, 2021. We can see here that the wallet with lunatic score 25 was participated in last hour.
From the above analysis , most wallets which are having their lunatic score between 16-20 were participated in between 11th to 23rd hours everyday.The highest number of participants also fell on November 8, 2021 and November 9, 2021.
Referred From https://blog.levana.finance/levana-meteors-defi-and-nfts-407e9973002f