As part of this article, we create a secondary market dashboard for NFT sales on Quixotic, which is the largest NFT market on Optimism!
- An overview of Quixotic NFT Marketplace
- We aim to show the daily sales, sales volume (ETH), sellers and buyers by collection on Quixotic and find the most interesting trends. Also, percentages are shown.
- Next, let’s take a look at the Top 10 NFT Sales Amounts by Collection
- The later part of the article aimed to present the NFT Sales, Sale Volume (ETH), Sellers and Buyers by Collection on Quixotic Marketplace
- Last but not least, we will look at the most popular NFT buyers based on their purchases and sales volume (ETH).
An overview of Quixotic NFT Marketplace
On Ethereum’s layer-2 platform Optimism, Quixotic is the largest NFT marketplace. The platform charges only 0.0005 ETH ($1.50) per transaction, making it more accessible to most NFT traders. Since the company was established, it is estimated to have saved its members approximately more than $3 million in gas fees.
We can get more information about this from the official site of as shown in the image below
There has been a significant decrease in user activity since June 14. From June 15 2022, let’s take a closer look at Quixotic’s NFT marketplace sales, volume, sellers, and buyers.
The following analysis shows Quixotic’s NFT marketplace sales, volume, sellers, and buyers from June 15 2022 by collection wise. As well as the percentages. Also, have a look at the top 10 NFT sales volume by collection, and also at the most popular NFT buyers by purchases and sales volume (ETH).
Daily NFT Sales, Sale Volume(ETH) , Sellers and Buyers By Collection On Quixotic
Using the below charts, we can see the number of sales by collection and their percentages on Quixotic marketplace on a daily basis. Among all collections, the lowest sales is $1 (ashes of light) and the highest sales is $1,892 (mirror wnft optimism collective: hello world). A maximum of $594 in sales was recorded on June 16, 2022. As can be seen, sales were declining. Due to the Quixotic attacker hacking the offer feature, more than $100,000 was drained in Optimism and USDC. It is possible the sales were reduced because of this hacking attack.
There has been a contribution of 35.29% for the Top 2 collection(mirror wnft optimism collective: hello world and genesiskami) since June 15, 2022 .
Using the below charts, we can see the sales volume in Ethereum by collection and their percentages on Quixotic marketplace on a daily basis. Among all collections, a total of 40.58% of total Sales Volume (eth) came from Optipunk Collections. The lowest Sales Volume (eth) is $0 (animal coloring book eraser) and the highest Sales Volume (eth) is $77.71 (optipunk). It was observed that the maximum Sales Volume(eth) occurred on June 23, 2022, with $25.81. From June 15, 2022 to August 3, 2022, the Sales Volume(eth) decreased. It is possible the sales volume also reduced because of this hacking attack.
The top two collections (optipunk and apetimism) generated almost 69% of all sales volume since Jun 15,2022.
We can see the NFT sellers by collection and their percentages on Quixotic marketplace in the following charts. Among all the collections,The total Sellers of NFTs From 15 June 2022 to August 3, 2022 was 4.7K. The lowest total NFT Sellers is 1 (ashes of light) and the highest is 642 (mirror wnft optimism collective: hello world). NFT Sellers reached a maximum of 248 on July 4, 2022. There was a decrease in the number of NFT sellers between June 15, 2022 and August 3, 2022. The total number of NFT Sellers in July 4, 2022 and June 16, 2022 is greater than usual
Here from the below graph we can see the top 2 collections (mirror WNFT optimism collective: hello world and bored town) contributed over a quarter of all NFT sellers. According to the below graph, the top 5 collections contributed almost 50% of all sellers since Jun 15,2022.
From the below graph we can see , among all the collections,The total buyers of NFTs From 15 June 2022 to August 3, 2022 was 5,672K. The lowest total NFT buyers is 1 (ashes of light) and the highest is 1,396 (mirror wnft optimism collective: hello world). NFT buyers reached a maximum of 538 on June 16, 2022. There was a decrease in the number of NFT buyers between June 15, 2022 and August 3, 2022. The number of NFT buyers in June 25, 2022 is lower than normal, while it is higher than normal in June 16, 2022 and July 4, 2022.
Here from the below graph we can see the top collection (mirror WNFT optimism collective: hello world ) only contributed over a quarter of all NFT buyers . According to the below graph, the top 5 collections contributed almost 50% of all buyers since Jun 15,2022.
Top10 NFTs Sales Amount By Collection
Below is a graph showing the top 10 NFTs by their sales amount in ETH since Jun 15 2022. Here we can see that most of the top 10 NFT collections belong to the optipunk collection out of all the top 10. Thus, out of the top 10, 5 are from the Optipunk collection. Among the top 10 NFTs, the total sale amount is $9.04. Out of the three Nft Collections, optipunk contributes the most (71.13%) to the total sale amount. In total, 37.94% of the sale amount was contributed by the top two TX hashes, and 60.07% was contributed by the top three TX hashes. As a result of this sale, the lowest total Sale Amount was $1.11 (apetimism), and the highest total Sale Amount was $6.43 (optipunk).
As you can see in the image below, the Top 10 trending collections were shown from the website at the time of writing.
NFT Sales, Sale Volume(ETH) , Sellers and Buyers By Collection On Quixotic
The following graphs show the NFT sales, the sale volume (ETH), sellers, and buyers by collection since June 15, 2022. The total sales across all Collections are $8.28K. Graph shows that the top 2 Collections contributed for 35.29 percent of total sales, while the top 4 Collections contributed for over half (51%). (ashes of light) has the lowest total sales of $1 and the highest total sales of $1.89K (mirror wnft optimism collective: hello world).
According to our sales volume analysis, the total sales volume (eth) across all collections is $191.48. There was a contribution of 40.58% of total Sales Volume(eth) from Optipunk Collections, and a contribution of 69.56% from the Top 2 Collections (Optipunk and apetimism).
Over a quarter (27.43%) of total sellers come from the Top 2 Collections, and over half (52.17%) come from the Top 5 Collections. The highest number of sellers is 450 (bored town). Here we can see that most of the NFT sellers are from bored towns, followed by Apetimism. Optipunk is the fourth top NFT seller.
The total number of buyers across all collections is 5.07K. More than a quarter (25.96%) of total Buyers came from the mirror wnft optimism collective: hello world Collections. ashes of light has the lowest total Buyers (1), while mirror wnft optimism collective: hello world has the highest total Buyers (1,31K). The fourth most popular NFT buyers is Optipunk. Based on NFT buyers, bored town collection is ranked third out of all Collections NFT buyers.
Most Popular NFT Buyers By Purchases & Sales Volume(ETH)
As you can see in the following graph, the top ten NFT buyers are ranked according to their purchases. Thus, the total number of purchases across all top 10 NFT buyers is 115. There were 40 total purchases under ‘0xc7a3f400cdde42cf52f240e46ae83d59f3df1303’ out of these Top 10. Therefore, 0xc7a3f400cdde42cf52f240e46ae83d59f3df1303 Buyers contributed for 34.78% out of all top 10 buyers according to their purchases. and Top 2 Buyers contributed for 58.26%.
As you can see in the following graph, the top ten NFT buyers are taken by their sales amount(ETH) Since Jun 15,2022 . The total sales amount(eth) across all top 10 buyers is $18.24. As can be seen from the graph below, the top 2 buyers contributed 29.69% of the total sales amount(eth) and the top 4 buyers contributed over half (50.78%). In total, the lowest amount of sales amount(eth) is 1.35, and the highest amount of sales amount(eth) is 2.96 which is by (0xc7a3f400cdde42cf52f240e46ae83d59f3df1303).
- The collection ‘mirror wnft optimism collective: hello world’ has the highest daily NFT sales among all collections, according to the above analysis.
- According to the sales from June 15 2022 to August 2022, the sales declined. A Quixotic attacker hacked the offer feature, draining more than $100,000 from Optimism and USDC. Due to this hacking attack, it is possible that sales were reduced.
- According to Quixotic marketplace sales volume statistics, 40.58% of total sales volume (ETH) came from Optipunk Collections.
- From June 15, 2022 to August 3, 2022, there was a decrease in the Sales Volume(eth).
- There were 4.7K sellers of NFTs among all collections from 15 June 2022 to August 3, 2022. NFT sellers from ‘mirror wnft optimism collective: hello world’ rank highest.
- As per the percentage of NFT sellers by collection, the top 5 collections accounted for almost 50% of all sellers since June 15,2022.
- In the period of June 15, 2022 to August 3, 2022, there was a decrease in the number of NFT buyers.
- According to the analysis, the top collection (mirror WNFT optimism collective: hello world) only contributed over a quarter of all NFT buyers.
- Optipunk contributes the most to the total sale amount (71.13%) out of the three NFT Collections. Optipunk generated the highest sale amount(ETH) of 6.43 .
- In the above analysis, ‘mirror wnft optimism collective: hello world’ had the highest total NFT sales of $1.89K. It can be seen that Optipunk Collections contributed 40.58% of the total Sales Volume(eth).
- (bored town) has the highest number of sellers at 450. Most of the NFT sellers come from bored towns, followed by optimism. In terms of NFT sales, Optipunk is ranked fourth.
- A quarter (25.96%) of total NFT buyers came from the mirror wnft optimism collective: hello world Collections.
- There have been 115 purchases across all top 10 NFT buyers. The buyer who contributed for 34.78%, which is 40, by ‘0xc7a3f400cdde42cf52f240e46ae83d59f3df1303’.
- From the top 10 NFT buyers, the lowest amount of sales amount (eth) is 1.35, and the highest amount of sales amount (eth) is 2.96 which is by (0xc7a3f400cdde42cf52f240e46ae83d59f3df1303).
- Due to the hacking attack ‘ Quixotic attacker hacked the offer feature, draining more than $100,000 from Optimism and USDC’, the overall NFT sales and volume (ETH) on Quixotic marketplace are in decreasing trend.
- According to Quixotic, NFTs listed on the platform were unaffected by the exploit. Users were assured that lost funds would be returned and that NFTs listed on the platform were unaffected. We might expect NFT sales to increase again on this marketplace in the future.
Query Reference :
from optimism.core.fact_event_logs
where origin_to_address in (‘0x3f9da045b0f77d707ea4061110339c4ea8ecfa70’,
and event_name = ‘Transfer’
and event_inputs:to = origin_from_address
and event_removed = false