A great new year gift for residents of Chennai, as there is no need to stand in a long queues for paying the power bills.The ‘Q’ is almost dead now with the launch of first ever electric bill online service in the state.
Currently it allows customers of Indian Bank, ICICI and Axis bank for paying the bills by using this service.Both debit and credit cards can be used for the payment.
The state government is also planning to extend this online payment facility to other parts of the state also.Through this service we need to pay on or before the last payment date,after that it won’t accept the payment even with the late fees option.
One more facility is also provided by the government to pay the bills called Any Time Payment(ATP) Machines.They have been installed in most of the regions in the city to pay current consumption charged through cash/cheque/DD.
eb payment registration form required
how to pay the EB bill through online and what is service no and consumer no
Recently i purchased a flat for which the previous owner has registered with TNEB for online payment. Now when i started registering for online payment, i am getting the message as already registered. Kindly help me in registering.
I am living in a rented house. The whole building belongs to another person. I have seperate meter for my block. What should be the First name to register with online payments? Should I use my name or the owners name? Because its me who is going to pay the bill. Please clarify?
No option to set Consumer No in registration of online eb payment. when try to make payment getting the alert “Please choose a consumer no to proceed”
I am not able to make payment online because i have account with HDFC Bank only for which the facility is not threre.Can u add this bank also as majority are having accounts with HDFC BAnk.Pl reply.
hi friend. i do no to pay the bill through net.. my number is 614.. (samalapuram).. help me
how to pay eb bill through online.pls help
Please let me know how can I calculate units, how can I pay the amount for those units used, variations etc, and from where can i get all these full information like web sites etc , how to feed my particulars, to get correct information please.
How to pay EB bill online…what service number
how pay eb bill through online please explain
online bill payment facilities available in chennai only ,when we get this facilities in salem city
can able to pay at coimbatore?
EB on line payment can able to pay at coimbatore?
THank You so much. Its working. but i cannot pay online currently because i have account with HDFC.
I registered successfully. But for making the payment,when I enter the User name and the Password and click the Submit button, I get a message “Mail confirmation needed” and I am not able to proceed further. I need help/advise.
please send how to pay EB bill online
please send all details about eb payment in online
why state bank credit cum debit card is not made usable for payment? when will it be?
Today I tried to pay on line payment to my service no.257-803-614 but i could not. 3 -4 time tried I received error msg for transcation. Pl help
Hi, which part of people can use this online payment facility because i am in Madambakkam, and i am unable to add my service no 273-116-157 & 0854729
please help
hi i want to pay my eb bill through online pls help how to pay that and my number is 99xxxxxx
Hi there! How do I know whats the consumer number? I am renting this apartment and have inherited this card from the previous tenant and it is all written in Tamil :( except for the numbers. I tried with the number 136-21-280 but it doesnt work. ‘The only other number on this card is 301260…. Please help!
How do I know whats the consumer number? I am renting this apartment and have inherited this card from the previous tenant and it is all written in Tamil :( except for the numbers. I tried with the number 136-21-280 but it doesnt work. ‘The only other number on this card is 301260…. Please help!
how to pay the electricity bill through online
I want to pay my electricity bill thro’ one line please help me to deposit how to go thro’ this system. my contact no.9884719795
I think the question is not right at this place but would like to know how to pay property in Delhi with the cash card? :)
Hi Anjali, you can pay your utility bills in Bangaluru through the BangaloreOne \ and you can use the ItzCash Card in paying the same.
I am trying to make payment for my flat S.No 043-11-4376 in Mogappair. But I could not register .
I am not able to register my consumer number 041062165
I am reading loads about ItzCash Card; I have checked the link as well. Want to know what are the services ItzCash Card offers in Chennai? Can we pay our utility bills through the card here as the citizens of Bangaluru, Mumbai and Delhi do?
I tried registering using the URL : http://www.tnebnet.org/awp/TNEB/
Its asking a number called Service Number . I do not know how to search for that number in my EB card . Please help.
@Rakshana: Try this link http://www.tnebnet.org/awp/TNEB/index.php not the http://www.tneb.org- which is an intranet site for TNEB staff users
Hi there!!!! Kindly help me out on logging on to the tneb site.
http://www.tnebnet.org/ I have gone to this site and it is asking for the login and password. how to contact 2902?
Hey gr8 initiative! I have read about such initiatives of payment of bills through online transaction using certain pre-paid cash cards like ItzCash Cards in many parts of India. How the payment through these cards is are made?
You can get it home delivered. Visit http://www.itzcash.com and click on home delivery banner
Thanks a lot Vicky. I’ll definitely try out the payment option. This seems to be truly very exciting for me. Can you give me some other details on where else can use ItzCash Card to make my payments and where in Mumbai I’ll get them easily.
http://www.tnebnet.org/awp/TNEB/ is not working for me. It keeps giving the message “Not Found
The requested URL /awp/TNEB/ was not found on this server.
Apache/2.0.52 (Unix) PHP/5.2.2 Server at http://www.tnebnet.org Port 80″.
Do I have to change some settings in my browser?
@Partha: yes, currently the link is not working, bad news.Hopefully they will fix it soon..
Hi Ravi Kumar,
I would like to inform you that the new wave of payments have been initiated in India. These are the Cash Cards. There are various Cash Card companies which are acting as a safe and convenient payment gateway to reach the masses. The are various cards like ItzCash Cards, Done Cards, Oxicash etc. I have been personally using ItzCash Cards for my travel bookings and mobile recharge. You can also make your utlity payments through this. I think you can get more info on http://www.itzcash.com
The future is here and is bright! The e-payment in India is catching up in big way. I have read loads about the usage of credit and debit cards, but need to know what is there for the non-bankable population of the country that does not have access to the banking instruments. How can they be a part of the e-payments? The population is staggering and if they are given a platform to use the e-payment platform then it is surely going to be a massive success story.
Hey great service! Want to know about similar services in other cities of the country and what are the modes of making payments? Have heard about bangalore1 but interested in knowing more about the services. The services underscore the penetration of e-governance into the parts of the country.
hi giri,welcome to techdreams.. thanks a lot for visiting the site..
I tried to us “http://www.tnebnet.org/awp/TNEB/” url it’s working fine, thanx for sharing the information.
hi, Use this url for online electricity bills http://www.tnebnet.org/awp/TNEB/
and don’t use the url http://www.tnebnet.org
its written like this
public cant use this website ah
This Website is meant for the Employees of TNEB only….
To Know Login name Please contact 2902
only the eb workers can use this facility ah
Hi Rajini, I’ve just tried with your service number as 122 082 9, and it worked fine for me.Just try again once, might be site was down by that time.If you still find difficulty, share me what’s the exact problem its showing
Iam not able to create a id for me to pay through net. Please help me, My No Is D 122 82 9 – If I type this its giving some name and address. please suggest me to pay through online.
visit tnebnet.org -site will guide u…
pls send me all detail