List of Antivirus Software Compatible With Windows 7 Operating System

As the Windows 7 Operating System launch date is nearing(October 22) almost all the major software vendors are making sure that their products run on Windows 7. As a general rule all the applications that run on Windows Vista should run on Windows 7.

But the applications like anti-virus programs, firewalls and others that work hand-in-hand with the underlying Operating Systems needs to be reengineered for every specific operating system. 


Microsoft Windows Security page has listed the anti-virus programs that are already tested and proven as compatible with Windows 7. They include Norton, AVG, BullGaurd, GDATA,Panda, Kaspersky( I’m using this s/w for the past 2 years), McAfee, Trend Micro, webroot and F-Secure.

This list covers almost all the major antivirus vendors. But others like ESET Nod32, Avast, PCGuard Anti-Virus and Microsoft Forefront Client Security are yet to be added to this list.

3 thoughts on “List of Antivirus Software Compatible With Windows 7 Operating System”

  1. Pingback: » Kaspersky Bisa Digunakan Di Windows 7 ~ Blog Archive ~ Security (Asia Blogging Network)

  2. Hello: Avast! is on the list, it just has not been formally put on the list yet. We are making sure that the upcoming version 5 is compatible from the get-go.

    PR manager

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