How To Get Facebook Messages/EMail Invitation

facebook-messagesFacebook announced it’s revamped messaging system yesterday and everyone is excited to get invitation for accessing it.

The new messaging system is not just an email killer but it’s more than that. It’s an unified and uncluttered system that lets you communicate with your friends in a variety of ways – emails, chat and SMS. All the conversation you have with your friends will be aggregated and presented to you in a social inbox that prioritizes the message you like more and keeps the spam out of the sight.

Request An Invite From Facebook

Facebook messages in an Invite only affair for now and we should have an initiation to access it. You can add yourself to the invites queue by submitting your request to Facebook Team over here.

It seems to be your friends who already have access to Facebook Messages can also invite you if they have invitations. So don’t forge to check with your friends.

Be Aware Of Invites Scams

As everyone rushes for the invitations, spammers and fraudulent guys takes this as a opportunity to loot you.  Beware of those scams and keep yourself away from paying money or sharing any personal information in favour of getting the invites.

How Facebook Messages Work

Here is a demo video that explains how the new Facebook Messages work and it’s advantages

2 thoughts on “How To Get Facebook Messages/EMail Invitation”

  1. well, I dont think there will be that much noise, as the wait for them to roll it out to everyone has taken too long… and most people are satisfied with their current email situ, so I guess the longer the wait will allow other platforms and especially google will be working on the next big thing.

    as to date, im still waiting for my invite to happen, and I applied since day 0 of roll out… typical facebook fashion… yet I still wait in vain…

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